Q3-4 2024 Integrity Advocate
Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week
MPC will be joining organizations around the globe in celebration of Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week, November 3-9, 2024. This weeklong celebration, Integrity at our Core, offers the opportunity to shine a spotlight on the importance of compliance and ethics here at MPC.
Business Integrity & Compliance and our Business Integrity Partners, located throughout the company, have a week full of giveaways, fun activities and prizes planned. Be sure to take a moment to participate in the festivities and to complete our Business Integrity Poll to let us know how we are doing! Your candid feedback will help ensure we are delivering on our commitment to compliance and ethics at MPC. Complete the Poll between now and 12pm EST on November 15, 2024, to enter into our $100 Amazon Gift Card drawing.
We hope you'll join us. A thriving ethics culture involves commitment, modeling, and the right conduct by all employees. So, mark your calendars now and check out our Compliance & Ethics Week Page for more information. Integrity at our Core, our reputation and success depend on it.
Newly Appointed BI&C Partners
What do the individuals below all have in common? They are the newest among the 70+ employees throughout MPC who serve as Business Integrity & Compliance (BI&C) Partners!
Since 2014, the BI&C Partner Program has cultivated and trained a select group of individuals—nominated by management—to help serve as ambassadors for integrity, compliance, and ethics in their respective organizations and work locations. BI&C Partners help to promote and strengthen our Compliance and Ethics (C&E) Program.
Responsibilites of the BI&C Partner
- Actively look for opportunities to work with organization and local management to increase employee awareness and understanding of the Code of Business Conduct, company policies, integrity as a core value, and our C&E program.
- Assist organization and local management to understand the disclosure and approval requirements associated with the Conflicts of Interest and Business Courtesies Policies.
- Encourage the reporting of allegations to appropriate resources, including, but not limited to the Integrity Helpline.
- Reinforce the Company’s anti-retaliation policy.
- Assist BI&C with presenting compliance and ethics training.
- Act as a liaison between the organization or location and BI&C to identify specific compliance and ethics issues and determine targeted training needs; meet at least quarterly with organization or local management.
- Promote and encourage the timely completion of the Annual Code of Business Conduct Questionnaire and Certification and answer employee questions.
- Distribute publications and other BI&C materials and help reinforce messaging, with special attention given during Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week in November.
- Provide feedback to BI&C on the effectiveness of BI&C’s strategies, communications, and training initiatives.
Who is your BI&C Partner
Designated groups throughout the enterprise have at least one BI&C Partner who serves as a liaison between BI&C and the employees within their respective Partner’s group. Do you know who your group’s appointed partner is? Visit the BI&C Partner Page on MPCConnect to learn more about the Program and find out who serves this role in your group.
Glad You Asked
Below is a sample of inquiries received by Business Integrity and Compliance and responses to the same.
Click arrows below to view the company response to the concern.
The Question: We are hosting a meeting for some business partners and are offering a social activity that they may join us for. None of the business partners will be government officials or commercial foreign government officials. The cost, which is not lavish in nature, will be covered by MPC. Do we need to fill anything out for this?
The Answer: Since MPC will be participating as well, the event would be considered entertainment. If MPC were not participating it would be viewed as a gift rather than entertainment and additional reporting requirements would be necessary. If a government official or commercial foreign government officials were invited, MPC's Guidelines for Business Courtesies require further reporting and pre-approval in Convercent.
To learn more about reporting requirements and approvals, including for business courtesies with government officials or commercial foreign government officials, review MPC's Guidelines for Business Courtesies. You can email [email protected] if you need additional guidance on Business Courtesies.
The Question: I am interested in running for election to my local school board. Is this against company policy?
The Answer: MPC respects the rights of employees to engage in the political process and political activities in their personal capacities during non-work hours. Policy #9001 – Political and Lobbying Activity requires employees who are considering running for or being appointed to public office to consider potential conflicts of interest as explained in Policy #2006 – Conflicts of Interest. Interested employees should discuss any potential conflicts and work arrangements with their supervisor, notify the Human Resources organization, and file an interim disclosure on BI&C’s SharePoint site.
Remember, personal political activities should not be conducted on company premises, on company time or otherwise under any circumstances that would create the appearance that such activity is sponsored by the company. If you do accept a position in public office, you have an ongoing obligation to keep your supervisor and the company informed of this relationship.
The Question: A vendor has asked if MPC would be able to join them for a tailgating event with light refreshments and if it would be ok to offer a raffle for some tickets to join them for the actual game. We wanted to check if this was acceptable before we accepted the invitation. We would expect anywhere from 5-10 MPC employees to join if approved.
The Answer: In accordance with Policy #2009 Business Courtesies and supporting guidelines, MPC personnel may accept, without supervisor approval, Meals, Gifts valued at $100 or less, and Entertainment valued at $200 or less. Acceptance of all other Business Courtesies requires disclosure and supervisor approval in Convercent. Since the business host providing the activity will be present, the activity is considered Entertainment. However, if the business host providing the activity was not present, the activity would be considered a Gift under the Policy. Other things you should consider before accepting the Business Courtesy include: 1) whether the gift of entertainment is lavish, frequent, lewd, offensive or unusual in nature; 2) whether the gift or entertainment is intended to create an obligation or provide undue influence; and 3) whether the gift or entertainment is offered during the time of contract negotiations.
Given the information provided, it is unlikely that the tailgating event alone would exceed $200. Thus, there would be no disclosure requirement. However, the winners of the raffle would need to submit a disclosure if the ticket (in conjunction with the tailgating event offerings) exceeds $200. When calculating the value of Entertainment or a Gift to determine whether disclosure is required, any Business Courtesy accepted by a family member of and MPC employee is treated as though accepted by such MPC employee as well.
Click here to review additional inquiries and responses.
Be an Integrity Advocate
Being an advocate is about speaking up not only about what may be wrong, but also about what is going right. Examples of ethical conduct should be highlighted and celebrated!
We invite you to help expand our scope to include positive stories of integrity in action in future issues of the Integrity Advocate by submitting instances of integrity in action to Business Integrity and Compliance, Room M-01-004 Findlay Campus or [email protected].