Join the Celebration!

MPC will be joining organizations around the globe in celebration of Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week, November 6th-12th.

This week-long celebration, Integrity at our Core, offers the opportunity to shine a spotlight on the importance of compliance and ethics here at MPC.

BI&C and our Business Integrity Partners, located throughout the company, have a week full of giveaways, fun activities and prizes planned. So, mark your calendars now and check out our Ethics Week Page for more information!

We hope you'll join us, as a thriving ethics culture involves commitment, modeling, and the right conduct by all employees. Integrity at our Core, our reputation and success depend on it!

What Happens When You Contact the Integrity Helpline

Operating with the highest standards of integrity is part of our culture. These standards are woven into our day-to-day work and through our Code of Business Conduct, which is based on the overarching principle that we always strive to do the right thing.

The Code requires that all employees immediately report any suspected illegal or unethical conduct connected with the business of MPC or its affiliates. While all our employees are encouraged to speak with their immediate supervisor or Human Resources representative if they have questions or concerns related to ethics and the Code, the Integrity Helpline is an additional avenue to do so anonymously. 

Have you ever wondered exactly what happens when you contact the Integrity Helpline? You’re taken seriously!

Learn About Each Step of the Process


Reporting Party Contacts Integrity Helpline

The Integrity Helpline is hosted by a third-party vendor, Convercent, and is available 24/7 from anywhere in the world. You can submit an Integrity Helpline report online through a web-based application at or by calling the Convercent Call Center, toll-free at 855-857-5700[1] in your native language, with assistance from a translator upon request. 


When making a report, you’ll be asked to provide a description of the misconduct and those individuals involved. It’s important to provide as much detailed information as you can–who, what, where, when, how–as that will help ensure a thorough investigation. 

Anonymity is maintained unless you choose to identify yourself.  The anonymity options are:

  • Share your name and contact information: The reporting party chooses to reveal their name and identity to both MPC and Convercent.
  • Remain anonymous toward the organization: The reporting party chooses to reveal their name and contact information to Convercent, but not to MPC. Convercent may contact them confidentially to gather additional information about the report (if requested by MPC) yet will not reveal their identity at any time to MPC.
  • Remain completely anonymous: The reporting party chooses not to reveal their name and identity to MPC or Convercent.

Once your report is complete, you will be provided with a report access number, a password, and instructions on how to check for status updates. Updates typically take the form of thanking the reporter for their submission, requesting additional information such as names of witnesses or dates of alleged conduct, or informing the reporter of case closure. 

You can select whether you wish to be notified of updates.  If you choose not to be notified, you must affirmatively check back into the system on your own to review case updates.  It’s important to note that cases requiring additional information, necessary for an investigation, will be closed if the additional information is not received.  

Your completed report is immediately sent to MPC’s Business Integrity and Compliance office (BI&C).

BI&C Review and Assignment 

Under the direction of MPC’s Chief Compliance Officer, BI&C is responsible for administering the Integrity Helpline process and overseeing related investigations.

BI&C Representatives review all reports, typically within one business day of receipt, to determine:

  • the nature and severity of the concern;
  • if, based on the details provided, investigation will compromise the identity of anonymous reporter;
  • if additional information is needed;
  • if notification to Chief Compliance Officer and/or Audit Committee is warranted; and
  • who best to conduct the investigation.


Investigations commence as quickly as possible once BI&C’s initial review of the report is complete. Although not always possible, the target for closing an investigation is 90 days. BI&C does not typically conduct investigations. Trained individuals with specific expertise in the matter alleged or at issue are assigned to conduct the investigation.

Investigators, most often, are subject matter experts (SMEs) within the company and include individuals predominantly from HR, HESS&PQ, and Internal Audit.  Investigators may consult with other organizations, such as HR Law-Government Affairs, and in special circumstances, external counsel may also be consulted.

The investigator will be responsible for conducting interviews with employees, gathering evidence and other documentation, and ultimately determining whether the allegation is true and recommending remedies and sanctions, if any.

Once the investigation is complete, the investigator will provide an investigation summary to BI&C.

BI&C Review and Closure 

BI&C representatives serve as a quality check on the process, ensuring that an investigation occurs and that every allegation is reviewed and examined by the appropriate SME, that the investigation is of substance and renders a disposition and discipline or corrective action, if applicable, supported by the documentation.

At the conclusion of an investigation, you will be notified of case closure via messaging within the Convercent system.  Details of the investigation are held in confidence and will not be shared with you by BI&C.

In summary, if you choose to submit a concern through the Integrity Helpline, here is what you can expect:

  • You will be given the opportunity to remain anonymous.
  • You will be assigned an access code by which BI&C representatives and investigators may ask for more information and update you on the progress of an investigation.
  • Your report will be assigned an investigator. In most cases, this will be an internal investigator.
  • Your report will be investigated in a manner and to the extent appropriate based on the nature of your allegation.
  • Your report will be handled promptly, discreetly and professionally. Your identity, should you choose to reveal it, will only be disclosed as necessary to comply with legal requirements and investigate the reported conduct. Those made aware of your identity will be advised of the need for confidentiality.
  • You will be advised when the investigation is complete.

If you have any questions regarding the Integrity Helpline, please do not hesitate to contact Business Integrity and Compliance at [email protected].

[1] To locate toll-free number for your country, visit


It Happened Here

The following scenarios happened with employees at our company. Situations and descriptions have been edited to maintain anonymity and confidentiality.

Click arrows below to view the company response to the concern.

The Concern: Employee suspected of using a company fuel card on multiple occasions to purchase gas for a personal vehicle.

The Response:
Investigation confirmed employee’s misuse of company resources. Employee no longer works for the company.

The Concern: Employee used a cell phone in an unsafe manner, locations and while driving a company vehicle to record and post videos of his/herself on social media.

The Response:
Investigation confirmed employee violated his/her organization's  Electronic Device Policy. Employee no longer works for the company.

The Concern: Employee sent inappropriate and threatening text messages to co-workers.

The Response:
Investigation confirmed employee sent messages that violate MPC’s Code of Business Conduct. Employee no longer works for the company.

Be an Integrity Advocate

Being an advocate is about speaking up not only about what may be wrong, but also about what is going right. Examples of ethical conduct should be highlighted and celebrated! 

We invite you to help expand the scope of “It Happened Here” to include positive stories of integrity in action in future issues of the Integrity Advocate by submitting instances of integrity in action to Business Integrity and Compliance, Room M-01-004 Findlay Campus or [email protected].