Q1 2019 Integrity Advocate

Celebrating MPC's Speak-Up Culture

Celebrating Growth and 100% Participation in Annual Code of Business Conduct Questionnaire and Certification Process

The 2018 Code of Business Conduct Annual Questionnaire and Certification process recently concluded, and Business Integrity and Compliance (BI&C) is pleased to report that a 100% participation rate was achieved by the record 13,245 employees assigned to the mandatory response category.1 Congratulations to everyone who participated in this effort, which is designed to support our culture of transparency and ensure compliance with company policies, including the Code of Business Conduct2 and Conflicts of Interest Policy #2006.

Given the growth of the company, more than 22,600 employees received the 16-question survey, which inquires about potential Code and policy related activity between the time frame January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018. This compares to 13,240 who received the survey in 2018. Of the 9,420 who received the survey in the voluntary response category,3 54% responded, slightly lower than last year’s rate of 60%, when the questionnaire was offered to 5,200 employees.

The next step in the process involves review of the 490 disclosures submitted via the questionnaire, and those requiring further review will be referred to the appropriate organization, such as Human Resources, Internal Audit, and/or Environmental, Safety, Security & Product Quality. Those who submitted a disclosure can expect to receive (and in some instances your supervisor will also receive) communication from BI&C acknowledging your submission and providing direction as warranted.

If a new conflict of interest arises at any time during the year, you may submit a disclosure via the Interim Disclosure process.

If you have a question or concern regarding the Code of Business Conduct or company policies, including a potential conflict of interest, you may contact the Integrity Helpline at 855-857-5700, www.MPCIntegrity.com, www.MPLXIntegrity.com, www.AndeavorLogisticsIntegrity.com or www.SpeedwayIntegrity.com.

1 Mandatory response category includes MPC salaried employees and all Speedway corporate and non-store field employees.
2 Speedway Code of Business Conduct
3 Voluntary response category includes MPC hourly employees.

Who is Your BI&C Partner?

Margie Aguirre Joins Business Integrity and Compliance

Business Integrity and Compliance (BI&C) welcomes Margie Aguirre as a new BI&C representative.

Margie comes to BI&C with more than 20 years of experience with Andeavor, most recently as a senior paralegal in the legal department’s Business Conduct Office. Effective April 1, Margie is located on the Findlay campus, focusing her time on the day-to-day work associated with reviewing, processing and responding to the hundreds of Integrity Helpline allegations and inquiries. Margie is an asset to the BI&C function, bringing a range of legal and ethics and compliance program experience as well as institutional knowledge from Andeavor.

As a San Antonio native, Margie is active in her community, church and professional organizations. “Although I am a San Antonian at heart and will dearly miss my family, especially my awesome grandkids, I am eager and excited to continue my career with MPC and meet new people,” Margie shares.

Margie can be reached at [email protected] or 419-421-3344.

Glad You Asked

Below is a sample of inquiries received by Business Integrity and Compliance and responses to the same.

Q: A new company-sponsored program recognizes employees who obtain a patent. The employees are given a personalized plaque to commemorate the occasion, and the cost exceeds $100, including shipping and tax. Does employee need to submit a Gift Disclosure?

A: According to Policy #2009, Meals, Gifts and Entertainment, gifts given pursuant to company- sponsored programs such as MarAward, safety awards, service awards, or marketing incentive programs that have been preapproved at the corporate level do not need to be preapproved and may utilize cash and Cash Equivalents. Gifts to employees valued great than $100 other than pursuant to company- sponsored programs must follow the Meals, Gifts and Entertainment Guidelines.

Q: My daughter advised me that her company is partnering with MPC on an asphalt project. I don't know the extent of the project, but she also reported to her company that I am employed with MPC. She is a research scientist in her company’s asphalt division. Do I need to do anything further? 

A: BI&C reviewed the information provided by the employee and found no conflict of interest as neither party is in a position of influence within their respective company. The employee was advised, however, to not share any non-public information regarding the company’s business and/or processes with outside parties, including relatives. 

Q: Am I able to smoke on company property? 

A: Under the MPC Smoking Policy, smoking is prohibited on all company premises unless such company premise is specifically designated for smoking. All company locations communicate areas designated for smoking and post appropriate signage in conformance with all applicable laws. 

It Happened Here

The following scenarios happened with employees at our company. Situations and descriptions have been edited to maintain anonymity and confidentiality.

The Concern: Employee used company laptop to illegally download and play music during work hours.

The Response: Audit of employee’s internet access found monthly data usage far exceeded the employee average usage. Employee was coached on the appropriate use of company information systems under the Use of Company and Personal Information Systems for Company Business Policy #6002.

The Concern: Employee on leave of absence came in to office to assist coworker with quarter end report.

The Response: Employee was inappropriately granted permission to come in to assist coworker. Leader(s) who granted permission were coached and encouraged to cross train employees within the organization.

The Concern: Employee is late to work most days but leaves on time and is frequently absent without recording time off correctly.

The Response: Review of badge scans and SAP time entry found discrepancies. Employee disciplined and clear expectations regarding time and appropriate work activities set going forward.

To seek guidance or report misconduct, talk to a supervisor or manager, Law, Internal Audit, Human Resources, Environment, Safety, Security & Product Quality, Business Integrity and Compliance or contact the Integrity Helpline (www.MPCIntegrity.com, www.MPLXIntegrity.com, www.AndeavorLogisticsIntegrity.com, www.SpeedwayIntegrity.com, 855.857.5700).